Be sure to get your payment of $10 in and your permission form submitted by Tuesday, April 22 or you'll miss out on this great opportunity.
I am very pleased to announce that we will be taking a field trip to the Edmonds Center for the Arts to see a special production of "Romeo & Juliet" performed by the Seattle Shakespeare Company.
Here is the basic information about the field trip:
- DATE: Tuesday, April 22, 2014
- TIME: Leave MTHS @ 9 a.m. (end of 2nd period) return to MTHS @ 12:30 p.m. (before 6th period)
- PLACE: The Edmonds Center for the Arts
- WHO: All MTHS freshmen
- WHY: To see the Seattle Shakespeare Company's adaptation of "Romeo & Juliet"
- COST: $10/student paid at the Fines Office or Main Office via cash or check made out to ESD #15; bring your receipt (or stamped permission form) to Mr. DeMiero by Tuesday, April 22
- PERMISSION FORM: This R&J Permission Form 2014 must be filled out and returned to Mr. DeMiero by Tuesday, April 22
- CONDUCT FORM: This Conduct Expectations Agreement must be filled out and returned to Mr. DeMiero by Tuesday, April 22