UPDATE: 11/19/13

As we discussed in class today, you may choose to accept the score you earned, convert it into a grade (using the scale below), write the short reflection (see the instructions below) and be done with this assignment. However, you may also choose to rewrite your paper and resubmit it along with the short reflection (see the instructions below) and improve your grade. It’s your call. No matter the choice, you must turn in your work on or before Friday, Nov. 22 at the end of the school day.

Narrative Essay Points


Score to Grade Converter

3.06.9C to B-


Here’s the process to follow when creating your Narrative Essay Reflection:

  1. Look over the scores that you received from the English Department reviewer.
  2. Compare your scores to the trait indicators on the Narrative Essay Rubric in the areas of:
    1. C – Controlling Idea
    2. D – Development
    3. O – Organization
  3. Write A Reflection. Head your paper with your name, E9P_ and the date. Then answer the following questions:
    1. How do the scores inform your writing?
    2. What would you do to improve your writing?
    3. What were your strengths on this assignment?
    4. What were your weaknesses?
  4. Calculate your score and convert it into a letter grade. Write the letter grade on the essay next to the scores.
  5. Decide. If you like your grade, circle it, then staple the reflection on top of your essay and turn it in to the basket in room 110. If you do not like your grade and are eager to improve your paper, rewrite the essay addressing the areas you need to work on for improvement. Turn in the new essay stapled on top of the reflection on top of the original essay. All three must be submitted in order to earn an improved grade for the assignment.

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College Application Essay (Narrative Essay) Assignment

For the past several years, all students in English classes at MTHS have written a common essay – specifically, a narrative essay modeled after the entrance essays that most universities require of their applicants. This year is no different, so here is the assignment specifically for this year’s essay along with a copy of the Narrative Essay evaluation rubric and a few helpful tools, too.

We’ll talk more about this assignment in class, but be warned that this assignment will need to be done mostly outside of class time, and the deadline is firm.


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