Parent/Guardian as Observer on Canvas
Parent/Guardian access to Canvas CLICK HERE: Parent Access to Online Student Systems Thanks to our wonderful tech coaches, here are the directions for you to follow if you want to observe your student’s work in any of my classes. It’s great, I strongly...
A word about Skyward
Okay, okay. I’ll admit it: As a teacher, I despise Skynet… er, ah, Skyward. However, as a parent of an MTHS student, I love Skyward Family Access.
So, I understand that I’m trying to have it both ways when it comes to this wonderful, horrible Web tool. Of course I want to know how my son is doing in his classes, but I don’t want to be enslaved to updating Skyward on a daily basis for my students.
But, it’s more complicated than that. Let me explain…

The Red Balloon: An all-time classic is restored
It’s difficult to think of cinema in the past 50+ years without considering the impact of “The Red Balloon.” For many generations, this film was the introduction to the power of film. For millions of elementary school kids, “The Red Balloon” was synonymous with movie...
Tornatore’s Italian masterpiece: “Cinema Paradiso”
Okay, I’ll admit it: This is one of my all-time favorite films. Sure, I’m biased because it’s an Italian film, but there’s so much more to it than that. Among the many elements to like in this film are: A beautiful story – perhaps one of the...