Poetic Devices Presentations

Poetic Devices Presentations

Just as we can use literary tools to understand novels or films, we use poetic devices to help us examine poetry. This is an opportunity for us  better understand these devices as a community in our poetry café. Your group will be randomly assigned to focus on one of...
Poetic Devices Presentations

Poetry Anthology Project

During the Café Firenze experience, we have listened to and read a great deal of poetry. Since so much of poetry is personal, this is an opportunity to identify poems that have resonated and connected with you. Therefore, you will gather poems that mean something to...
Poetic Devices Presentations

You’ve been given a Direct Order to Rock Out!

As part of the Café Firenze poetry experience, you’ll be asked to write some original poems. The first assignment is to write a piece in the spirit of Anis Mojgani’s “Direct orders.” Here’s the Rock Out Assignment. Remember, you’ll...
Intro to Data Journalism

Intro to Data Journalism

Data Journalism For today’s (3/10/15) lesson, please use the links below. SURVEY: Hawkeye Demographic Survey SAMPLES of GREAT DATA JOURNALISM: Do No Harm Three Good Examples Trouble Voting Superstorm Sandy using Google Maps Hawkeye 1 – 2014 Seniors Hawkeye 2 –...