Sep 10, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
It’s hard to believe, but you really can make some spectacular photos from nothing more than a light-tight box and some photo paper. In fact, there are lots of photographers out there who have deeply explored this technique and have even taken pinhole photography into...
Jun 12, 2013 | E9 Honors, English 9
Feb 5, 2013 | E9 Honors, English 9
As part of our poetry café unit, you’ll be asked to do a few things on your own time (a.k.a. homework) to supplement what we’re doing in the classroom, er, uh, I mean café. Here are the steps to follow for the Favorite Poem Project: 1. Visit the Favorite...
Jan 9, 2013 | Literary Terms
Here are some great online resources for literary terms: Gale Literary Terms Buzzle Literary Devices Literary Vocabulary …know of any more?
Jan 8, 2013 | E9 Honors, English 9
Overview Here’s the assignment sheet and proposal form. Literary Terms Presentation Here are the groups for 2012-2013. Lit Terms Presentation Groups Also, here’s a sample presentation from several years ago that is similar to what you may choose to do for...
Jan 7, 2013 | Digital Photography
Here’s the camera/phone I was talking about today. Maybe this is revolutionary, maybe it’s not. What do you think? Are there apps for other phones that do what this hybrid device does? Are there cameras that double as communication/Internet devices? Let me...
Dec 19, 2012 | Digital Photography
If you’re like me, at some point you’ve made one of those silly little stick figure flip books – you know, the ones where you draw a stick figure in several slightly different poses on multiple 3×5 cards, then put them in order and flip through them so that it...
Dec 13, 2012 | Digital Photography
Now it’s time to use your mad Photoshop skills to make a composite where you (or your subject) appear to be flying. Again, the possibilities are endless. Get creative! Check out the tutorial (thanks to designer/photographer Paula Chang) and the assignment sheet below....