Oct 17, 2013 | E9 Honors, English 9
Even this blog post on my teaching website fits into a genre – what do you think? While you’re pondering that question, here is the Take-Home Genre Write Assignment and its accompanying two writing excerpts that you’ll use for the...
Oct 15, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
What?!? Another quiz?!? Yep. But, I thought that there weren’t going to be any tests or essays or homework or nothin’ like that in Digital Photography. Well, you were wrong. Don’t get too worked up about it, however. You’ll see that this is another short quiz and it...
Oct 14, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
Seeing how it’s around Halloween and all, and since the Zombie Apocalypse is more or less inevitable, I figured you may as well prepare for it all. Digitally, at least. Of course, I’m kidding, but this is a great way to turn yourself into a zombie and...
Oct 12, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
Here are some helpful videos to assist you in learning how to use Adobe Photoshop CS3 – one of the most powerful photo editing software systems ever created. We’ll be using Photoshop a great deal in this class to assist us in creating and manipulating our...
Oct 8, 2013 | E9 Honors, English 9
WARNING: The Oatmeal website is absolutely hilarious, produced by a local guy and can also be terribly profane. You’ve been warned. CHALLENGE This is a true story. On the morning of Oct. 8, 2013, I went to The Oatmeal website and took this test. For reals. No...
Oct 2, 2013 | Journalism/HSM
Essayists would call it persuasive or argumentative writing. Journalists, depending on the context, call it opinion or editorial or editorial column writing. Are they the same? Not quite, but they share much of the same rhetorical DNA.
Oct 1, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
So, you’re going to need to go outside the classroom in order to find interesting subjects for your photos. In order to do that without running afoul of The Man, you’re going to need a pass. So, let’s make one that looks dang official using Adobe Photoshop! One...
Sep 24, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
One of the great things about doing photography in the digital realm is that you can repurpose a lot of photographic work that in the past would have probably just ended up in the recycle bin. So, here’s a great opportunity for you to take those great pinhole...
Sep 19, 2013 | Free Press, Journalism/HSM
As promised, here are the presentation notes (in PDF form) from my presentation at the WJEA J-Day at the UW 9/19/13. Questions? Comments? Thoughts? Email me at adviser@thehawkeye.org Press Law
Sep 11, 2013 | E9 Honors, English 9, Journalism/HSM
Summary news leads are the foundation of most effective straight news writing. I’m convinced that if you can learn how to write a good summary news lead, you can write in just about any style – mostly because the discipline that comes with summary news writing...