You’ve been given a Direct Order to Rock Out!

You’ve been given a Direct Order to Rock Out!

As part of the Café Firenze poetry experience, you’ll be asked to write some original poems. The first assignment is to write a piece in the spirit of Anis Mojgani’s “Direct orders.” Here’s the Rock Out Assignment. Remember, you’ll...
Intro to Data Journalism

Intro to Data Journalism

Data Journalism For today’s (3/10/15) lesson, please use the links below. SURVEY: Hawkeye Demographic Survey SAMPLES of GREAT DATA JOURNALISM: Do No Harm Three Good Examples Trouble Voting Superstorm Sandy using Google Maps Hawkeye 1 – 2014 Seniors Hawkeye 2 –...
Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”

Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”

In Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” we observe several levels of conflict among the four main characters. A wonderful example of the power and limits of a first-person narrative, Walker weaves a tale that speaks to several important themes and issues. In fact, there are...


One of the more influential, and yet subtly complex literary genres is satire. Since it’s a fairly advanced subject to tackle, we’ll be treating this more as an introduction to satire rather than a comprehensive examination. So, to get our feet wet with...