Sep 24, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
One of the great things about doing photography in the digital realm is that you can repurpose a lot of photographic work that in the past would have probably just ended up in the recycle bin. So, here’s a great opportunity for you to take those great pinhole...
Sep 19, 2013 | Free Press, Journalism/HSM
As promised, here are the presentation notes (in PDF form) from my presentation at the WJEA J-Day at the UW 9/19/13. Questions? Comments? Thoughts? Email me at Press Law
Sep 18, 2013 | Digital Photography
We’ve talked about composition techniques and guidelines, but now it’s time to see if you can apply what we’ve talked about…
Sep 16, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
Here’s a copy of the presentation we went over in class – just in case you didn’t catch everything the first time. Or, maybe you just want to revisit some of the images and concepts. That’s cool, too. You’ll want to refer to this presentation and your notes when you...
Sep 11, 2013 | E9 Honors, English 9, Journalism/HSM
Summary news leads are the foundation of most effective straight news writing. I’m convinced that if you can learn how to write a good summary news lead, you can write in just about any style – mostly because the discipline that comes with summary news writing...
Sep 10, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
It’s hard to believe, but you really can make some spectacular photos from nothing more than a light-tight box and some photo paper. In fact, there are lots of photographers out there who have deeply explored this technique and have even taken pinhole photography into...
Sep 9, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
Welcome to my Digital Photography class. I hope you have as much fun taking this class as I have teaching it. I’m serious – this is such a fun class to teach! So, here’s the Digital Photography Syllabus for the class and the Digital Photography Survey. Check back soon...
Jun 12, 2013 | E9 Honors, English 9
Feb 5, 2013 | E9 Honors, English 9
As part of our poetry café unit, you’ll be asked to do a few things on your own time (a.k.a. homework) to supplement what we’re doing in the classroom, er, uh, I mean café. Here are the steps to follow for the Favorite Poem Project: 1. Visit the Favorite...