Dec 10, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
Okay, so this ought to be fun. My virtual tour would be to spend a week with President Barack Obama. You didn’t know that I am his deputy press secretary, did you? Well, check out the indisputable photographic evidence in the photo below. Right… Not buying it, are...
Dec 6, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
Okay, I’ll admit it: I despise collages. Montages, on the other hand, can be pretty sweet. Photographer and author Lee Frost says that “photographs can often gain power in numbers” and that “images linked by subject, theme or location can be much more capable of...
Dec 4, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
You didn’t know that after school each day I work for Starfleet? My current gig kind of difficult because I have to work with this guy who has no sense of humor… says he’s half human and half Vulcan. Spock something or other. You may have heard of him. Not buying...
Dec 1, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
So, you want to be in movies? Well, here’s a chance to do just that! Okay, not anything Hollywood style, but a short silly holiday flick will have to do at this stage in your career. All you have to do is this: Extract your face from one of your photos using...
Nov 22, 2013 | E9 Honors, English 9, Home Page Feature
Creating Contexts for Irony Previously, we talked about reading for context in “Smart” by Shel Silverstein. Today you will be writing contexts to make situations ironic. The Task (in class) Create contexts to make the situations in Alanis Morissette’s song actually...
Nov 19, 2013 | E9 Honors, English 9
UPDATE: 11/19/13 As we discussed in class today, you may choose to accept the score you earned, convert it into a grade (using the scale below), write the short reflection (see the instructions below) and be done with this assignment. However, you may also choose to...
Nov 13, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
Sometimes when I’m just walking on campus or at the mall or in downtown Edmonds or maybe in Seattle, I find that I take 35mm photos in my head and then stitch them together to form a collective view. My final mental photo is seamless and free of distortion – at least...
Nov 11, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
In this project, you’ll capture the essence of the current season in your photos. Have fun, but be careful – this can be a challenge! • Digital Seasons
Nov 11, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography, Home Page Feature
Have you ever dreamed of being a superhero? Maybe you’ve thought about SCUBA diving? What about ski jumping, or something crazy like that? Or maybe you’ve envisioned yourself in “The Matrix” or some wild action movie. Well, here’s your opportunity to stage a photo...
Nov 11, 2013 | DigiPhoto Assignments, Digital Photography
You’ve seen the posters around school and at nearly every library – the famous celebrity READ posters. Well, even though they’re aimed at encouraging everyone to read more, they’ve kind of become a symbolic icon of nerdy hipness because they’re so artistic and well...